
Thursday, April 03, 2014



ho ho ho hoyeah~!
i'm currently in singapore for the second time...
ok fine, not as a tourist....
both first and second time also because of work...

get caught with cold... 
plus I don't like to take medicine unless it is getting worse, so just bear with this situation... hopefully i'll get better once I'm back in Malaysia...

Touchdown at Changi Airport last Monday morning and I'm supposed to go back to Malaysia tonight... but the thing is that when I'm writing this entry, my flight ticket haven't been booked yet... ohhhhh my, I'm so worried....

I got the approval to take the flight at 8.30PM tonight, and right now it's already near 4PM... homai homai~ cannot blame the person in charge to book the flight as it involves technical error when that person tries to book the flight...Therefore, my colleague in Singapore office will try to book for me... Thanks a bunch :D

just nice...
when I'm about to finish this entry, my colleague came to my place and gave me my itinerary confirmation... Alhamdulillah...

Malaysia, I miss you... I really do... nothing beats Malaysia... this is so true, peeps~!

May Allah eases everything... aamiin :)



  1. welcome home Suha...betul kn kata orang, hujan emas di negara orang hujan batu di negara sendiri..lebih baik di negara sendiri...

    1. thank you kak... betul, lebih baik di negara sendiri... my friend in singapore did take me jalan2 around singapore after office hour... singapore is very nice... the lights in the night is very pleased to see but i really miss malaysia at that time...

      azamnya akan datang singapore lagi tapi as a tourist pulak... baru best jalan2 tanpa fikir pasal kerja :)

  2. yup betul...melawat sambil bekerja masa sgt limited..penat jadinya..kalau nak jalan betul2 kena la find out the right time..baru best..

    1. betul... kawan orang nak bawa orang jalan2 jugak the next day tu, tapi org pulak selsema berjangkit masa naik MRT ramai org sekeliling yg bersin + batuk...

      insya Allah ada rezeki nnt dtg betul2 as tourist :)

  3. in sha Allah..semoga dipermudahkan olehNya, aamiin


manis bicara indah tutur kata...
selamat meninggalkan jejak kasih anda...