
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day!


Ini bukan Life of Pi...
Ini adalah Pi day!!!

Happy Pi Day everyone!!!

Don't get it? No worries...
Okay here's the explanation:
Today is March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015; write it as 31415 then put a decimal point to be 3.1415

Get it?
In Math, sometimes we use Pi up to two decimal places... But some questions do specifically want the Pi to be up to four decimal places...

Have you had your pie today?
Go and buy one... Haha


  1. tiba2 teringat mase sk dulu, masa mula2 kenai pi.. asyik tertanya2, apa laa guna menda pi ni?...haha (--')
    and skrg ni, my giliran plak to answer same question from my junior, kenapa pi ni wujud... haha..(^^,) -boleh penin beb nak menjawab-

    1. Kannnn! Haha~
      Zaman2 guna pi ni dulu siap cakap lagi; siapa laa yang cipta pi ni, guna sorang2 je dah lah.. Menyusahkan hidup org lain kena belajar.. Haha


manis bicara indah tutur kata...
selamat meninggalkan jejak kasih anda...