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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 20s, Hello 30s!

Assalamualaikum & good day everyone!

Woah, it's the last day of 2019 already! i've been meaning to update this blog sooner.. haha! At least one post a year.. so that you guys will know that at the moment i'm writing this, i'm still alive.. alhamdulillah..

see there, i didn't lie.. i really wanna update this blog sooner.. the draft entry was first written on 1st Jan 2019.. LOL!

Quite a lot of things happened to me.. good things and also things that taught me lessons.. i kinda realised that by age, i'm considered old now.. but by heart, i'm still the same person.. hehe! and people say age is just a number, okay! yeah~ 

Through out the year, there are things that i accomplished and also things that i forwarded to next year's goals.. kehkeh

I told myself not to feel like a failure if i can't accomplished my goals.. after all, the goals are for me.. i'm fighting my own battle..

A lot of things happened to me throughout this 2019..
things that i'm thankful for..
things that stressed me out and forced me to adapt but still thankful for.. after all, i survived!
things that i won't be able to tell other people but might put bits of the events in any of my manuscripts.. hehe!

Today, i'm not just saying goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020;
I'm saying goodbye to my 20s that won't be coming back and hello to my 30s that full of possibilities ;)

Once the clock strike 12 midnight, i'm unofficially 29+1.. but i'll say i'm 29 until my birthday in 2020 comes (kasi can laa sikit..) haha!

have a great year ahead guys!


ps: i can't promise a full manuscript for next year, but i promise i'll try my best.. do pray for me.. thanks!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Miracles in December?


punyalah dah lama tak update entry baru kat cik belog.. kesian dia.. mesti dia terasa seperti dianak tirikan.. oh, tidak sama sekali cik belog.. jangan sesekali kau rasa begitu! kau hanya berkongsi kasih dengan buku2 dan drama2 je.. lalala~

So, today is Saturday.. anddddd it's December 15 already..
Oh my Goodness! I really can't believe that we are approaching the new year already.. 

How about 2018 goals?
I think I should read back my entry for this year's goals but I believe a few of them are accomplished.. *proud smile* BUT sadly few of my major goals for this year are yet to be accomplished.. TT______TT

It's December, guys.. December!
I'm hoping (praying) that miracles in December do happen BUT unfortunately I'm not EXO; no miracles in December for me..
On the bright side, I'll continue praying that it will happen this January 2019.. I'm sooooooo close to that goal, guys.. like reaaaallyyyyyyyyy close.. Just one more step to accomplish it.. Do pray for my success, ok? Thanks in advance! 

Okay, enough of that for now.. the more I write in English, the more I feel like OMG, my English is so rusty!!! I wish I have someone that can converse in English with me everyday.. At times like this, I really missed my former work place in KL where we are required to speak in English..

Okay guys, don't forget tonight will be the second leg of the final AFF Suzuki Cup 2018.. Support #HarimauMalaya!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Jom Baca Bersama Untuk 10 Minit


Wahhhhh, entry pertama aku lepas entry pasal azam tahun 2018... dah April baru entry baru muncul... kehkeh...

Okeh, seperti tajuk entry, esok merupakan tarikh kempen Jom Baca Bersama Untuk 10 Minit bagi tahun 2018 ni... dalam mat saleh punya bahasa kampung: Let's Read Together for 10 Minutes...

10 minit je pun... 11 pagi sampai 11.10 pagi... sesiapa yang free tu marilah spend 10 minit masa kita untuk membaca... tapi janganlah tunggu kempen ni je baru nak membaca... jadikan membaca tu salah satu rutin harian kita... (tapi yang singgah cik belog aku ni mesti golongan yang suka membaca kan? Kan? Kan?)

Okeh, tu je laa nak cakap... hahaha! Hari ni & esok aku cuti sebenarnya... sebab tu rajin sikit laa kot up entry kt sini... malam nanti insya Allah rajin sikittttt jugaklah kot nak buat cookies... warm up buat cookies sebelum Ramadhan... hahaha! Habis kau ingat puasa je nak warm up sebelum Ramadhan? Skill buat kuih raya yang tak seberapa ni pun nak kena warm up jugak... kehkeh...

Sekian, wassalaamu...

Sunday, January 14, 2018

dua kosong satu lapan


I hate to say this but this is so true; pejam celik pejam celik dah dua minggu masuk tahun 2018.. satunya rasa cepat sangat masa berlalu.. satu lagi rasa semakin tua aku! haha..

Tahun 2017 yang lepas cuma ada 2 entries.. tahun 2018 ni tak berani nak menjanjikan sebarang kerajinan untuk update cik belog ni..  sempena entry pertama untuk tahun 2018.. nak list kan azam untuk tahun 2018 ni.. hujung tahun nanti bila aku buka cik belog ni bolehlah aku tengok azam mana yang terlaksana..

1) Beli laptop baru
2) Beli external hard disk baru
3) Siapkan manuskrip yang tertunggak
4) Siapkan manuskrip baru yang tengah berlegar2 dalam kepala otak
5) Cari kerja baru
6) Lebih berdisiplin berbanding tahun2 sebelum ni

okeh, tu je kot azam yang boleh disenaraikan kat sini.. ada lagi azam lain tapi yang tu bersifat peribadi sikit.. tak perlulah share kat sini.. lalala~

Hujung tahun nanti aku nak tengok, azam mana yang berjaya dilaksanakan.. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan aku & sesiapa yang sedang membaca entry ni.. aamiin.. 


Thursday, February 02, 2017



Hai semua yang singgah ke cik belog saya! :]
As the title of this entry goes; RINDU..

Saya RINDUUUUUUUUU dengan macam-macam perkara..
Salah satunya RINDU nak menaip luahan rasa panjang2 kat cik belog ni.. biarlah orang tak baca pun luahan rasa saya.. most of the time, entry kat sini selain karya picisan saya, memang tujuannya untuk saya buat luahan rasa.. supaya rasa lega.. walau sedikit cuma.. tak peduli jika tiada insan sudi baca.. janji saya buat luahan.. supaya tak terpendam dalam hati..

ini entry pertama sejak saya public kan semula cik  belog ni.. kesian cik belog, dah public semula pun tuan dia abaikan dia.. masa private hari tu lagilah tak jenguk langsung.. *ada laa dua tiga kali kot jenguk..* hahaha! Tapi lepas publish entry RINDU ni, tetap tak boleh janji yang saya akan selalu post entry.. hehe.. 

Shhh.. jangan beritahu orang lain, saya nak cakap satu benda ni..
saya sebenarnya jealous (in a positive way, of course) tengok kawan2 FB yang dah berjaya buku mereka diterbitkan.. saya? hmm.. masih struggle dengan banyak benda.. ayat pun tunggang-langgang lagi.. heh.. tolong doakan semoga saya diberi ilham dan kekuatan untuk menghabiskan cerita2 saya ya.. aamiin.. jalan cerita banyak dalam kepala tapi nak connect the dots tu yang mencabar..

ho ho ho hokeh..
saya nak mengundur diri dulu.. tadi rasa nak taip panjang2.. bila dah mula menaip mulalah tak tahu nak taip apa..


ps: korang rindu nak baca cerita saya tak? hoho

Monday, February 29, 2016



Lompat si katak lompat..
Lompat pada tahun lompat..
29 Februari..
Tahun lompat..
Empat tahun sekali..
Takde nak bebel apa2 pun..
Entahlah.. Cuma rasa nak post juga satu entry hari ni..
Sekian, wassalaamu..

Monday, February 08, 2016



I bet many of you didn't see this coming.. Neither did I.. I was never; I repeat, NEVER fond of werewolf dramas/series/stories.. I don't know why.. Mainly because I think that it is impossible, absurd and nonsense that someone can be half human and half wolf.. But speaking of nonsense, I do watch zombie series/movies.. Well, zombies are no different than werewolves, the zombies are also kind of nonsense but strangely I can still bring myself to watch them.. So, I don't really remember the exact reason I dislike werewolf..

But that was then..
And this is now.. *play Part of Me song please.. Haha :p *
Okay, I'm not saying that right now I LIKE werewolf stories but thanks to Wattpad, I now give werewolf stories a chance.. Haha..